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发信人: wmlake (四叶三叶草), 信区: Intern
标 题: 中科院自动化所中法联合实验室诚招访问学生
发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Sep 9 17:51:49 2010), 站内
The project is cooperation between CASIA (Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences), INRIA (The French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control) and animation movie making companies. We aim at developing new tools for improving special visual effects in computer animation products or movies (both 2D and 3D). The final results of the project will be high-level papers and prototype software.
Description of the research projects
Project 1: Realistic rendering
Realistic rendering is a very important and fundamental topic in computer graphics. Typical rendering techniques such Ray Tracing, Radiosity, and Photo Mapping, are intensively used in industrial applications of movie making, computer animation and computer aided design. How to efficiently fix or improve the rendering results of a very complex scene is a great challenge. The realistic rendering of some special materials or natural phenomenon is also a good research direction. The goal of this project is to develop new and efficient methods of realistic rendering, capturing the intrinsic lighting characteristics of a given scene or object, and then to develop tools for movie/animation-driven applications.
The problem will be studied under different directions:
1) Interactive editing of illumination;
2) GPU-based photon mapping acceleration methods;
3) Physically-based rendering of special natural objects.
Project 2: Content-aware image/video synthesis and analysis
Image synthesis is a hot topic in computer graphics and image processing. It is a very effective way in image acquisition and editing. Image synthesis can be used in graphic design, movie post-processing, realistic rendering and many other applications. In this context, the goal of this project is to develop new image synthesis methods, by analyzing the content of the source image (color, lighting, texture and other necessary features), which should be integrated into energy functions. Optimization algorithm will be constructed by studying the connections between image content analysis and the synthesis process. Different algorithms will be studied according to the specific visual effects. The problem will be studied under different directions:
1) Content-aware image/video compositing;
2) Image/video appearance transfer and enhancement;
3) Painterly stylization of images and videos.
Prof. Xiaopeng Zhang
LIAMA-NLPR, CAS Institute of Automation
Dr. Weiming Dong
LIAMA-NLPR, CAS Institute of Automation
Dr. Wujun Che
LIAMA-NLPR, CAS Institute of Automation
Prof. Jean-Claude Paul
INRIA, France
Working conditions
The working place is the CASIA main building in Beijing, in the computer graphics team of LIAMA-NLPR. The student will benefit from the status and work conditions offered by CASIA and national projects (NSFC and 863). Monthly allowance and bonus are offered.
Major in computer science, applied mathematics or applied physics (hydrodynamics or optics). The student should have skills in both fields; a good background in computer graphics or image processing, numerical analysis, statistics, algorithmic is desirable. Programming will be done in C++/OpenGL/DirectX.
FROM 159.226.21.*