Book translation: Help wanted
Several people who specialize in mathematical finance are needed to translate my book written in English. I wrote the book in English because I am not familiar with our Chinese translations of the financial derivative terms. Also on the other hand, my computer does not support latex in Chinese.
The book is an introduction to mathematical finance based on my working experience at Wall Street. This is the first of a series. This book covers mainly equity derivatives. The sequels will also address interest rate derivatives as well as credit derivatives. Contents of the current book are:
Financial Derivative, Properties of calls and puts, Stochastic Calculus, Partial Differential Equations, Martingale and Black-Scholes equation, Exotic Option Pricing, Numerical Implementations, local volatility model, stochastic volatility model, jump diffusion, etc. The book starts from the basics but goes all the way to some of the exciting research frontiers of this subject.
Interested person should have the knowledge of graduate level mathematics, basic financial terms as well as strong practice with Latex. Competitive compensation will be provided.
Please contact: jiansun88@gmail.com for details. Please be sure to include your contact phone number so that I can call you.
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