Form and style for ASTM Standards, G23 写道:
G23. Sample versus Specimen
G23.1 In general, the word “sample” should be used only to describe a piece or quantity of bulk material that has been selected by some sampling process. Pieces or quantities taken from the sample for testing are called “specimens.” Quantities of liquid or bulk aggregate are usually called “samples,” because a sampling procedure is usually used to obtain them.
G23.2 To describe the piece on which a test is made, use “specimen” or “test specimen,” not“piece” or “sample.”
实在没必要争执,因为行业所限,每个行业表述都不一样。不过,翻译,难道不是应该要看懂原文吗? 如果看不懂原文,翻译出来的东西有啥信达雅之说?
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