雅虎软件研发中心(Yahoo! Beijing R&D center) 成立于2008年12月,搜索技术组主要研发方向是query的语义分析与意图分类,主要服务于美国雅虎网页搜索和若干垂直搜索,以及台湾、香港等地区的搜索产品。我们正在进行若干颇具挑战性的产品的研发,团队有多年来丰富的实习生培养经验,性别比例合理,诚邀高校精英加入我们的团队。
工作地点:北京市海淀区王庄路1号 同方科技广场D座
请发送英文简历到 job-bj@yahoo-inc.com,并在邮件正文中标明从何处得到招聘信息。
邮件标题:姓名_申请职位。例如:LiLei_Assistant Research Intern
Yahoo! Search Beijing team owns key modules of query understanding, rewriting and classification, and plays critical role in search result page presentation and relevance improvement, for both Yahoo! Web search and E-Commerce properties. We are building the next generation natural language processing platform and welcome young talents to join us.
Key Responsibilities:
1. Design and implement data mining process from large scale data sources
2. Conduct experiments on existing data mining platform, and develop new system features.
3. Paper reading and leverage ideas in real practice.
4. Commit to data quality to support Yahoo! Search in US, Taiwan, Hong-Kong and other markets.
Skill requirements:
Strong algorithm foundation, proficient with C++ and 1 or more scripting language (python/shell/perl).
Data mining and IR or NLP background, practice experience preferred. Machine learning is another plus.
Understand large scale data processing framework, like map-reduce.
Excellent analytical and problem solving skills, self-motivated.
Fluent English writing and speaking
4-5 days/week, 6 month or more.
FROM 117.104.188.*