IBM中国研究院现招聘一名有数据分析相关背景的实习生,具体从事IT风险合规领域的研究工作。有意向者可直接将简历发到, 我们会尽快安排面试。具体职位描述如下:
Job description
Conduct research in IT risk and compliance analytics.
Job responsibility
Survey on IT risk & compliance analytics
Developing novel technical approaches and systems to address the research problems
Validating with designed experiments
Publishing high quality papers
Master or PhD student
Deep knowledge in data and mathematical modeling, data analytics, data mining, analytics and optimization
Good problem solving and fast learning skills.
Team-work & good Chinese/English communication skills
English: Fluent
PhD student
Knowledge and experiences on IT risk and compliance is plus
Job type
Intern (at least 4 days a week, more than 3 months)
Work city
FROM 123.124.21.*