1. 英译中笔译
2. 需要译的书是金融题材,学术普及书,即难度高于畅销书低于学术书
3. 译酬80元/千字,以中文Word不计空格计数
4. 要求每周完成提交5000字(工作量大约5-10小时),持续3个月左右
5. 译者依法享有署名权(在图书的封面或版权页或前后勒口署名)
6. 样张
Preferred stock is considered a more conservative investment, as the price per share does not fluctuate as freely as that of common stock in the public stock exchanges--though prices of both preferred and common shares could fluctuate wildly in private secondary markets if they are traded at all. So it offers less opportunity for capital gain. But if you are investing in a startup or early-stage company, where the risk of failure is high, preferred stock offers other advantages, such as liquidation preferences. Most deal terms allow angel investors to convert their preferred shares to common shares when the company achieves certain milestones.
7. 双方订立合约,约定权利义务;所领工作提交后,2周内付酬。
8. 希望您英文阅读能力好,中文书面表达能力更好(其实译好书,中文好更重要),比较熟悉金融题材
9. 联系方式,邮件:onehare(圈a)qq.com
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