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In its widest scope and as part of the General Education Program, this course is designed to meet the general goal set by the University-wide General Education Committee (2009/2010) and defined as:
“… to encourage students to develop a critical and inquiring attitude, an appreciation of complexity and ambiguity, a tolerance for and empathy with persons of different backgrounds or values and a deepened sense of self” (
However, as a class on the Traditions and Societies of the world, the fundamental objective of this course is to introduce students to the basic issues and concepts in the Africana experience both in Africa and in the Diaspora. Using art historical texts, narratives, and discourses from selected societies in Africa, we will explore the complexities, diversities, and commonalities in the Africana experience that cut across the fields of history, politics, philosophy, religions, art, linguistics, and political-economy. Building on this, we shall examine the Africana experience in the Diaspora (using the United States as a case study), beginning with the Slave Era, Post-Abolition, the Harlem Renaissance, the Civil Rights Struggles of the 1950s through the 1960s and their aftermath. This thematic and chronological approach to the Diasporan experience will highlight the African and African American experience as part of the diversity of the American world and humanity. In short, this course provides an entrée into Africana experience and will be useful in providing foundational knowledge about the Black world as part of the increasingly ‘globalized’ world.
Course requirements
1 essay、5 discussions、2 book reviews、1 final
FROM 119.54.114.*