Top Education is a tutoring school for international school students from primary to high school. We are recruiting part-time teachers, and it will be better if you are experienced in IB/A-LEVEL/IGCSE/SAT/AP. If you are interested in it, pls do not hesitate to contact us. We are expecting you to join us.
The Top Education is a Beijing-based school specialized in giving tutorial courses for international school students in fields of IB/A-Level/IGCSE/SAT/IELTS/TOEFL etc.
Since we started providing tutorial courses, a steady number of students from international schools are attending various courses at our school regularly. And now, as we see an increase in demand for the tutorial courses, we are looking for more qualified teachers to teach at our school.
If you are interested in working as a part-time teacher, you are warmly welcome! Please contact us. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
1.Maths Teacher
Topic 1---Algebra
Topic 2---Functions and equations
Topic 3---Circular functions and trigonometry
Topic 4---Matrices
Topic 5---Vectors
Topic 6---Statistics and probability
Topic 7---Calculus
2.Physics Teacher
Topic 1: Physics and physical measurement
Topic 2: Mechanics
Topic 3: Thermal physics
Topic 4: Oscillations and waves
Topic 5: Electric currents
Topic 6: Fields and forces
Topic 7: Atomic and nuclear physics
Topic 8: Energy, power and climate change
3.Chemistry Teacher
Topic 1: Quantitative chemistry 12.5
Topic 2: Atomic structure 4
Topic 3: Periodicity 6
Topic 4: Bonding 12.5
Topic 5: Energetics 8
Topic 6: Kinetics 5
Topic 7: Equilibrium 5
Topic 8: Acids and bases 6
Topic 9: Oxidation and reduction 7
Topic 10: Organic chemistry 12
Topic 11: Measurement and data processing 2
4.Biology Teacher
Topic 1: Statistical analysis 2
Topic 2: Cells 12
Topic 3: The chemistry of life 15
Topic 4: Genetics 15
Topic 5: Ecology and evolution 16
Topic 6: Human health and physiology 20
Topic 7: Nucleic acids and proteins 11
Topic 8: Cell respiration and photosynthesis 10
Topic 9: Plant science 11
Topic 10: Genetics 6
Topic 11: Human health and physiology 17
5.English Teacher
English language/ English literature/ IELTS/TOEFL/SAT
6.Economics Teacher
Section 1: Microeconomics
Section 2: Macroeconomics
Section 3: International economics
Section 4: Development economics
7.Business Teacher
Topic 1: Business organization and environment
Topic 2: Human resources
Topic 3: Accounts and finance
Topic 4: Marketing
Topic 5: Operations management
8.History Teacher
History of Europe and the Islamic world—prescribed subjects
1. The origins and rise of Islam c500–661
2. The kingdom of Sicily 1130–1302
History of Europe and the Islamic world—topics
1. Dynasties and rulers
2. Society and economy
3. Wars and warfare
4. Intellectual, cultural and artistic developments
5. Religion and the state
9.Geography Teacher
Part 1: Core theme—patterns and change (SL/HL)
There are four compulsory topics in this core theme.
1. Populations in transition
2. Disparities in wealth and development
3. Patterns in environmental quality and sustainability
4. Patterns in resource consumption
Part 2: Optional themes (SL/HL)
There are seven optional themes; each requires 30 teaching hours.
Two optional themes are required at SL.
Three optional themes are required at HL.
A. Freshwater—issues and conflicts
B. Oceans and their coastal margins
C. Extreme environments
D. Hazards and disasters—risk assessment and response
E. Leisure, sport and tourism
F. The geography of food and health
G. Urban environments
1.Native speakers of English language
2.Bachelor’s degree
3.Teaching experience, at least 1 year
4. Disciplined, passionate and patient
If you are interested, please send your CV to
Contact: Zoe
Tel: 010-62895997, 130 2195 1457
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