前雅思口语考官,James Paul Eyre,英国人,2012至2015年在北京及周边省份做过3年雅思口语考官,共进行过2000多次口语考试,非常了解中国学生在雅思口语考试中的问题,知道是什么阻止了得到更高分。
James在中国有10年外教经验,包括清华大学等,目前在中国农业大学国际学院任教,主要执教课程:雅思听力与口语,英语演讲技巧(Presentation Skills),学术沟通技巧(Academic Communication)。
Email:j.p.eyre@gmail.com (please email in English)
James Paul Eyre
Private tutor available offering IELTS Listening and Speaking Training, Academic English, British Culture & Society and Presentation Skills.
An IELTS speaking examiner for three years in northern and central China, located in Beijing (农大东校区)
More than ten years teaching experience in China at the following universities: Tsinghua University and The International College Beijing (ICB) at The China Agricultural University (CAU).
Areas of specialism include: Teaching IELTS Listening and Speaking Training, Academic English, British Culture & Society and Presentation Skills.
CELTA certified (attached)

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