Employment Advertisement
We are recruiting some English teachers for about 10 Young Learners, who are
aged between 8 and 10. The candidates are required to share with those kid
s twice a week, at least 6 hours altogether. Working place is downtown Beiji
ng. Transportation is convenient. Salary negotiable in person.
If you are qualified, please provide resume, certificate and passport or ide
ntification card when applying.
Duration: 12months
Phone: 13683582352
Email: lily_tiffany@sina.com
1. foriegn English teacher
We are looking for a native English teacher, who has strong ability of commu
nication with the children! Previous teaching experience in foreign country
(including China)appreciated. You should be a college graduate, knowing well
the western culture and history. Besides, you are in good health. And you m
ight show your greatest patience to teach those children. Last but not least
,a clear native accent and good health are required.
2. English teacher assitant
This Chinese candidate will help the foriegn English teacher to manage the c
lass. You are required to follow and record during the whole class. You can
communicate with the foriegn teacher in fluent English. And sometimes you s
hould guide the kids to listen to the teacher. English major preferred.
FROM 106.121.2.*