3-4 part time editors are needed for our business. Students and majoring in management, social sciences, psychology, supply chain, economics, finance, accounting, law are preferred. Students majoring in English but with at least some basic knowledge of other disciplines are also qualified for this job. People who are currently working but has ample free time for part-time job is also welcomed. A multi-disciplinary background is a plus for this job.
This part time job is totally home-based and with great flexibility. Yet it guarantees very good financial rewards as long as you can demonstrate the following qualities:
1. strong educational background;
2. excellent written English and critical thinking skills.
2. Excellent bachelor students with proven written English skills would also be considered.
Usually, your payments will fall into the range from 3000-10000 per month. Anyone interested in this position please send your resume and personal information to bellaforever@126.com.
Please use "your university name_year in college (eg. year 3 undergraduate, or year 2 post graduate)_your major/program" as the subject of the email; paste your resume and personal information in the content of the email (do not use attachment).
FROM 222.212.234.*