微软亚洲研究院是微软公司在亚太地区设立的研究机构,也是微软在美国本土以外规模最大的一个。从1998年建院至今, 通过从世界各地吸纳而来的专家学者们的鼎力合作,微软亚洲研究院已经发展成为世界一流的计算机基础及应用研究机构,致力于推动整个计算机科学领域的前沿技术发展,并将最新研究成果快速转化到微软全球及中国本地的关键产品中,帮助消费者改善计算体验。同时,微软亚洲研究院着眼于下一代革命性技术的研究,助力公司实现长远发展战略和对未来计算的美好构想。
We are looking for teacher experienced in Chinese Teaching and teaching content generation.
Microsoft Research is looking for language teaching professionals to create new technologies. Working with researchers from wide range of domains, you can innovate the way we learn a foreign language! You will work as a visiting scholar to MSRA on a part time basis.
Chinese Content Researcher
Make the best application for foreigners to learn Chinese. The main responsibility of this position is to help defining content architecture for Chinese learning, drive content editing effort to support Chinese learning app. Your duties will range from the investigation of Chinese teaching methodologies, planning of content generation, and supporting application development in content/teaching aspects. On top of this you will also have to work with the engineering team to provide Chinese teaching & learning feature design.
Typical duties include:
Organizing and delivering Chinese learning content.
Investigating Chinese learning applications and provide teaching methodology.
Participating in language learning application design.
Personal qualities required:
Experiences of Chinese teaching with foreign students
You must be a good communicator
Planning and organizational skills
At least 3 work days each week,the bottom line is two work days.
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