1. 衡平救济:被许可方违反第4条规定可能会对许可方造成不可修复的损害,且赔偿金不足以弥补该损害。除可获得的任何其他救济外,许可方可以针对被许可方的违反或可能违反第4条规定而寻求衡平救济(包括禁制令救济或具体履行)。
2. 完整协议
3. 被许可方确认:本协议知识产权及所有与其相关的商誉和权利均为许可方的专有财产。所有未经本协议明确地赋予被许可方的权利、机会和批准均由许可方享有。除了本协议规定的许可外,被许可方不得获得或试图获得除本许可之外的关于本协议知识产权的任何权利。未经许可方事先书面同意,被许可方不得将与本协议知识产权相同或混淆性近似的,或构成将其翻译为任何其他语言的翻译的任何商标、服务商标、商号、公司名称、域名著作权、设计权、专利或其他财产性或商业性的设计或广告设计或者其派生物,在任何法域直接或间接注册或试图注册,也不得对许可方的注册提出异议或妨碍或者通过出版或其他方式对其主张所有权。被许可方在此确认,许可方是本协议知识产权的唯一独占所有者,被许可方使用该知识产权的权利只能从本协议获得,且被许可方对该知识产权的使用及因该使用建立的良好声誉仅为许可方的独家利益。
1. “Intellectual Property Rights” means all industrial and intellectual property rights whether conferred by statute, at common law or in equity, including, but not limited to, all copyright, derivative rights, database rights and similar rights that may subsist in works or other subject matter, rights in relation to inventions and discoveries (including all patents and patent applications), trade secrets and know-how, rights in relation to designs (whether or not registrable), rights in relation to registered and unregistered trademarks, logos, trade names, goodwill, business names and rights in relation to domain names;
2. Severance: If any provision or part of this Agreement is held to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal for any reason, this Agreement will be deemed to be amended by the addition or deletion of wording as appropriate to remove the invalid, unenforceable or illegal provision or part, but otherwise to retain the provision and the other provisions of this Agreement to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law. Any modification to or deletion of a provision or part-provision pursuant to this clause 16.5 shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of this Agreement.
These obligations do not apply, however, to any Information which:
(a) is in the public domain at the time of disclosure or later becomes part of the public domain through no fault of the Receiving Party;
(b) was known to the Receiving Party prior to disclosure by the Disclosing Party, as proven by the contemporaneous written records of the Receiving Party;
(c) is disclosed to the Receiving Party by a third party who did not obtain the Information, directly or indirectly, from the Disclosing Party subject to any confidentiality obligation;
(d) is at any time independently developed by the Receiving Party, as proven by its contemporaneous written records;
(e) is expressly authorized in writing by the Disclosing Party; or
(f) is required by law, court order, a government agency or a stock exchange to be disclosed (in which case the Receiving Party will give the Disclosing Party as early notice of the requirement to disclose the Information as reasonably practicable and assist the Disclosing Party to challenge such disclosure if appropriate), subject to confidentiality protection to the extent possible.
修改:constructor FROM 61.135.169.*
FROM 61.135.169.*
附件(1.5KB) TEST-CN-EN.txt附件(2.4KB) TEST-EN-CN.txt