Hurtado enters Michael's cell. He picks up a monocular and Michael denies that it is a weapon. Hurtado punches him right in the face, and asks why Michael was watching him. Michael says he wasn't and Captain Huratado pulls a gun to his head, and repeats the question. Now counting down, 3-2-1 - Whistler then appears and says it's his. Hurtado withdraws the gun and throws the monoculars on the floor.
Hurtado (一个狱警)在Michael的牢房里找到一个单筒望远镜。他一拳揍在Michael脸上(tnnd竟然打我们帅哥的脸?拉出去砍了!)问Michael 为什么监视他。Michael否认,Hurtado拔出枪对准Michael的脑袋,开始数到三。Whistler 这时候走进来,说望远镜是他的。Hurtado放下枪,走了。
Later, Hurtado is at his car and Sofia has run out of gas and and needs to get a ride, Hurtado likes what he sees and invites her to come with him. During the ride, he compliments her by saying she is very very pretty, and asks that she must love here boyfriend alot to go see him in Sona regularly, she says yes. Hurtado says there would be a way for her to get to not only see him behind bars but to touch him, Hurtado leans in and Sofia looks away, and he says it could all be done in this very car. Sofia has no other choice but to accept the offer, she says Norman must never find out, Hurtado finds out she is one of Lechero's girls and nods and looks out the windo contemplating his next move.
Hurtado 注意到了探监的Sofia ,想打她的主意。Sofia 说自己是老大Lechero的女人,让Hurtado无从下手。
A new guy is arriving he is named Andrew Ross, he enters the yeard as the crowd murmurs not knowing what's going on. Sammy comes up to him and welcomes him to Sona before asking for his wallet in Spanish, Andrew denies he understood him, he did however. He shakes his head not wanting to be intimidated. He says no. The crowd knows what's coming, Sammy then beats him and throws him in the dirt after taking his wallet. After Andrew regains his compusure he sees Michael exiting visitation. An inmate looks at him pissed off, Ross says he is looking at the other guy. He knows him.
狱坛新人Andrew Ross登场。Sammy出手揍了他一顿,抢走了他的钱包。Andrew Ross注意到了丛探监室走出来的Michael:他认识Michael.
Later, Ross is cleaning up his wounds, next to Bellick, he is told not to use up so much water, but he takes his time finishing up. Bellick says it's every man for himself in Sona, he gives him some cheese, Ross says he's not hungry, but Bellick knows he will be. Bellick advises him to lay low, he says thanks and takes the cheese, he walks away and bumps into Mahone. Mahone steps in his way and asks if he is the new guy. Ross says yeah, and asks who he is, he replies and says not the new guy and that's all the matters. Ross tells him he is innocent and Mahone tells him rule numer 1: Mind your own business. He says the same to you, Ross walks off and Mahone grabs him and says do your own time and there will be no consequences. Ross agrees and walks off.
Bellick 给了Andrew Ross一些吃的。Mahone教导他不要管闲事。
FROM 202.84.17.*