并不是首席,而是 baseline,对这件事情的讨论其实很有意思的。
babel 的负责人 Henry Zhu 真人跑去硅谷大公司去游说捐钱,也算是知名事件之一了。
比如 hacker news 上面的最火的一条评论:
capableweb 4 days ago [–]
> we settled on $11,000 per month as a baseline salary for working full-time on open source.
> For now, Nicolò, Henry, and Jùnliàng will all be paid a temporary rate of $6,000 per month. This doesn't solve the problem,
I used to donate to Babel, before they made it apparent they are just interested in funneling the money to one developer. 11K per month?! That is absolutely bananas and same reaction I had the last time this came up, but this time I cannot do anything as a reaction as I've already pulled my funding.
But my guess is that a lot of people feel the same way, as the donations seems to be going down. 11K per month could pay for many developers if you hire people outside of Sillicon Valley, which since you're doing open source, you should really really consider.
Open source is not "VC fueled develoment" and I don't think we should go that way either. Make your operation nimble and survive on little, otherwise you'll soon disappear. Optimize for sustainability, not for paying the one of the highest salary in the world (minus SV bubble of course).
It's not wonder Babel is going the way it's going, as the economy you've setup for yourself is nowhere near sustainable.
【 在 fanci (大葡萄) 的大作中提到: 】
: 首席才11kUSD每月,js码农还没有这个收入高吗?帖子都说了,毕业生第一年的水平
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