看来大葡萄总的收入还是非常让人佩服啊……要是按照购买力换算的话,132k usd 到我们村里至少 200k,够雇两个我了
说实话我一直也好奇一些开源项目的维护者收入。记得 sveltejs 负责人 rich harris 有次说,有人问怎么给他捐钱。他的大概意思是我有其他项目的收入,不需要你捐。听口气,我估计做项目的收入不少吧,看不上苍蝇肉……
ripgrep 的作者也挺有意思的,FAQ 里面:
How can I donate to ripgrep or its maintainers?
As of now, you can't. While I believe the various efforts that are being undertaken to help fund FOSS are extremely important, they aren't a good fit for me. ripgrep is and I hope will remain a project of love that I develop in my free time. As such, involving money---even in the form of donations given without expectations---would severely change that dynamic for me personally.
Instead, I'd recommend donating to something else that is doing work that you find meaningful. If you would like suggestions, then my favorites are:
The Internet Archive
Rails Girls
我其实挺好奇 vuejs 家 yyx 的收入……
【 在 fanci (大葡萄) 的大作中提到: 】
: 11k真的有高到乍舌的程度吗?美帝IT不就是毕业生十万美元一年吗?不喜勿捐勿用啊,白嫖还有理了。被Richard stallman忽悠残了吧。
FROM 122.59.183.*