The College Faculty Performance Evaluation Committee (hereinafter called the FPE Committee) will review the materials (except the Department Head’s letter – this will be removed from the materials to allow the FPE Committee to make a judgement independent of the Department Head’s assessment) and prepare a written summary and assessment following this standard review process:
A committee member who is not from the reviewed faculty member’s department will write the first draft of the FPE Committee’s review statement. FPE committee members should expect to be responsible for preparing one or more reviews.
Another committee member, preferably from the reviewed faculty member’s department (unless there are noted conflicts of interest), should provide detailed comments on the first draft.
The final draft will be prepared by the assigned FPE member after considering comments from the whole committee.
The FPE Committee chair will produce the final versions of all evaluations for consistency and completeness.
The FPE Committee’s statement should reflect both the consensus and the breadth of opinion within the committee. Written comments of the FPE Committee should focus on accomplishment and future goals in accordance with college expectations. The evaluation should include a realistic appraisal of the candidate’s ability to achieve the proposed goals. The FPE Committee can include recommendations for action in support of a faculty member’s career goals. The file and accompanying letter will be forwarded to the Dean. The Dean will receive the Department Head’s letter separately.
Faculty members may request to meet with the FPE Committee as part of the evaluation. Such requests should be made through the Dean’s office in late January, after the Department Head has prepared her/his review. The FPE Committee may request a meeting with a faculty member to discuss the evaluation. After the review is submitted to the Dean, the FPE Committee may request a meeting with the Dean to discuss a given case. The Dean may also consult with either or both Department Head and/or the FPE Committee prior to finalizing her/his letter.
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: 如何定绩效?
FROM 116.3.122.*