We call for additional scrutiny of our findings and further research to improve understanding
of these risks. However, in the absence of compelling evidence for reassurance, our view is that
mirror bacteria and other mirror organisms should not be created. We believe that this can be
ensured with minimal impact on beneficial research and call for broad engagement to determine
a path forward.
【 在 jil043 的大作中提到: 】
: 不是科学网,是科学网编辑,这个转来转去的“镜像细菌网文”可不是science的原文,而是小编加工带上自己理解的二手文。这些小编未必比我强。再说就算科学、自然的文章,只有30%能重复出来,这不是我说的,是施一公说的,相比本版ID,我肯定更相信他。
: 原文Science 2024,V386(6728)1351-53是一篇POLICY FORUM,谁都能看,尽管讨论里面的内容,别喊口号,说的东西原文都没有,还俨然代言科学口吻。
: 原题目“Confronting risks of mirror life,Broad discussion is needed to chart a path forward”,可不是像网文说的要“禁止镜像生命研究”,而是探讨发展路径,这不是春秋笔法?
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