- 主题:中秋早餐
Turkey Sausage, Egg and Cheese Croissant from DD (火鸡肉饼、蛋、奶酪法式三明治),咖啡是自己用法压壶做的。
FROM 136.56.37.*

FROM 222.129.135.*
【 在 newtaizi 的大作中提到: 】
: 黑嘘嘘的是咖啡?
FROM 216.240.30.*
【 在 cjon 的大作中提到: 】
: Turkey Sausage, Egg and Cheese Croi ...
FROM 219.236.121.*
【 在 guoqingjie 的大作中提到: 】
: 在国内不喝咖啡所以理解不了:喝水喝果汁喝汤喝粥和汤面都能理解,大早上和咖啡为了什么
: 可能我对吃的还停留在获取能量爆肚子的层面
FROM 216.240.30.*
【 在 cjon 的大作中提到: 】
: 国外吃方面的选择无法与国内相比,无奈。
【 在 guoqingjie 的大作中提到: 】
: 在国内不喝咖啡所以理解不了...
FROM 219.236.121.*
【 在 guoqingjie 的大作中提到: 】
: 在国内不喝咖啡所以理解不了:喝水喝果汁喝汤喝粥和汤面都能理解,大早上和咖啡为了什么
: 可能我对吃的还停留在获取能量爆肚子的层面
修改:novicer FROM 49.93.72.*
FROM 49.93.72.*
【 在 novicer 的大作中提到: 】
: 我觉得最主要的是提神。另外意式咖啡很香,法式在香味方面比意式差点
【 在 guoqingjie 的大作中提到: 】...
FROM 219.236.121.*
【 在 novicer 的大作中提到: 】
: 我觉得最主要的是提神。另外意式咖啡很香,法式在香味方面比意式差点
FROM 216.240.30.*
You are here: Home / Europe / Italy / 8 Types of Italian Coffees, Explained
8 Types of Italian Coffees, Explained
By Jennifer Dombrowski 20 Comments
Ordering coffee in Italy isn’t as simple as queueing up at your local Starbucks. First, Italians are unfamiliar with the concept of a queue. And second, it is always cheaper (and the Italian way) to order your coffee at the bar and drink it standing up. There likely isn’t a menu of the coffee drinks available anywhere to be found and though Starbucks sounds very Italian (venti actually means the number twenty in Italian, not the size of a coffee), you won’t recognize many of the names of types of Italian coffees. So I drank a lot of coffee in order to put together this handy little guide for how to order coffee in Italy for you. Now you can feel confident about ordering coffee in Italy and not sounding like an idiot.
The classic coffee of Italy
1. Caffè kahf|FEH
While caffè does literally translates to coffee, a caffè is also a shot of espresso. It is served in a tiny cup and drank all throughout the day. When ordering, you order un caffè and not un espresso.
You can also order caffè corretto (pronounced kahf|FEH cohr|REHT|toh), which is a shot of espresso “corrected” with a shot of liquor. The most common additions are a shot of grappa, sambucca or cognac, but feel free to ask for the liquor of your choice. A shot of Irish cream added is always delicious.
A cappuccino at one of our favorites bars by our house
2. Cappuccino kahp|poo|CHEE|noh
Cappuccino is probably Italy’s most famous coffee. After all, while there’s no such thing as a grande anything when it comes to types of Italian coffee, a cappuccino is a cappuccino the world over. It’s basically 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk and 1/3 foam.
【 在 cjon 的大作中提到: 】
: espresso太浓,劲儿大。
FROM 49.93.72.*