[ But the system presents a far more serious danger.] It gives
those who have been submitted to it a violent dislike to the state of life in
which they were born, and an intense desire to escape from it. The working
man no longer wishes to remain a working man, or the peasant to continue a
peasant, while the most humble members of the middle classes admit of no
possible career for their sons except that of State-paid functionaries. Instead
of preparing men for life French schools solely prepare them to occupy public
functions, in which success can be attained without any necessity for
self-direction or the exhibition of the least glimmer of personal initiative. At
the bottom of the social ladder the system creates an army of proletarians
discontented with their lot and always ready to revolt, while at the summit it
brings into being a frivolous bourgeoisie, at once sceptical and credulous,
having a superstitious confidence in the State, whom it regards as a sort of
Providence, but without forgetting to display towards it a ceaseless hostility,
always laying its own faults to the door of the Government, and incapable of
the least enterprise without the intervention of the authorities
The State, which manufactures by dint of textbooks all these persons
possessing diplomas, can only utilise a small number of them, and is forced to
leave the others without employment. It is obliged in consequence to resign
itself to feeding the first mentioned and to having the others as its enemies.
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: --来自微微水木3.5.14
FROM 24.203.11.*