- 主题:open source payment gateway
there are many electronic payment gateways such as Alibaba's Alipay (zhifubao), PayPal and Google Checkout. One businesman would like to start a new kind of payment gateway, that is, an open source gateway by saying that
"rather than having a closed network where you deal with one provider exclusively, this network would let individual users join and leave the network as necessary. the client software would be completely open source so everyone would have access to the source code. i don't think that anyone has thought of this before"
do you know what kind of electronic payment gateway this businesman tries to build?
FROM 220.245.212.*
【 在 Sajid (爱睡觉的猫) 的大作中提到: 】
: there are many electronic payment gateways such as Alibaba's Alipay (zhifubao), PayPal and Google Checkout. One businesman would like to start a new kind of payment gateway, that is, an open source gateway by saying that
: "rather than having a closed network where you deal with one provider exclusively, this network would let individual users join and leave the network as necessary. the client software would be completely open source so everyone would have access to the source code. i don't think that anyone has thought of this before"
: do you know what kind of electronic payment gateway this businesman tries to build?
: ...................
FROM 121.15.125.*
sorry. I am overseas and I cannot type in Chinese. can you understand what i was trying to say?
【 在 woaipinr (辣一夜,内牛满面啊) 的大作中提到: 】
: 为什么用英文
FROM 220.245.212.*
【 在 Sajid (爱睡觉的猫) 的大作中提到: 】
: sorry. I am overseas and I cannot type in Chinese. can you understand what i was trying to say?
FROM 121.15.125.*
【 在 Sajid (爱睡觉的猫) 的大作中提到: 】
: sorry. I am overseas and I cannot type in Chinese. can you understand what i was trying to say?
FROM 117.136.22.*
good point
【 在 JulyClyde (torred) 的大作中提到: 】
: 支付网关的关键不在于是否开源
: 而是银行是否愿意和你连接
FROM 84.215.148.*