这个可能很多人已经看过了,不过像我这样的初学者和有一定经验的人看一遍还是能有很深领悟的。ASP.NET MVC 真的是微软web开发上一个很棒的技术发明。
Join Scott Hanselman as he explains ASP.NET MVC from File -> New Project. We’ll dig into the details and try to put MVC into perspective. Is WebForms going away? What’s better about MVC vs. WebForms? How does MVC sit on top of ASP.NET and how was it written? We’ll play with call stacks, and avoid PowerPoint slides! This is an introduction to ASP.NET, but it’s not a “basic” session. We assume you have some web development concepts or perhaps you’re a professional ASP.NET WebForms developers who is just starting out with ASP.NET MVC.
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