【 以下文字转载自 Career_Upgrade 讨论区 】
发信人: tshgxing (一塔湖图), 信区: Career_Upgrade
标 题: [红帽Red Hat]诚聘软件开发工程师,web开发(Ruby/NodeJS等)
发信站: 水木社区 (Mon May 11 11:58:01 2015), 站内
真诚邀请有互联网程序/网站/网页开发经验的朋友加入我们。 在这里您能参与并主导新项目的开发,包括前后端,使用各种新web技术,帮助您成长为全栈工程师/架构师。您将和我们一起完成需求分析、架构设计、代码编写、测试等任务。
software Engineer - Application developer (要求较好的web开发基础)
* 1+ years web application development experience
* Experience with front-end techniques like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, cookie, session required.
* Experience with frameworks like AngularJS/Node.js/Ruby Rails desirable
* Experience with Linux or UNIX platform desirable
* Experience with OpenShift, Maven, Git, github is a plus
* Bachelor's degree or above in Computer Science or equivalent experience
* Prior participation in open source software projects is a strong positive
* Good communication skills, fluent in both oral and written English
邮件标题:应聘 Software Engineer - Web
FROM 119.254.196.*