- WebAssembly 核心标准1.0等多个重要发布:WebAssembly Makes Major Releases with the Core Specification Reaching 1.0
- 流行前端库 npm 下载数量图:NPM Downloads of Popular Frontend Libraries
- react 库不断改进,依旧称霸前端:React Continues Its Reign While the Library Evolves
- vue 迅速成长,github stars 数量超过 react:Vue Continues to Grow While Passing React in GitHub Stars
- vue 3 更新计划:Evan You (Vue Creator) Gives Us a Taste of Vue 3 as the Package Pushes Towards Release
- angular 依然活跃,版本7发布:Angular Continues To Be Utilized Actively, Releases v7
- GraphQL 学习意愿高涨,但仍未超过 REST:GraphQL Grows in “Desire to Learn” but has Not Overtaken REST
- js 内嵌 css 使用更加广泛:CSS-in-JS Gains More Adoption
- 疲于使用各种 CLI 工具的情况有所改善:Developers Find Relief From the Fatigue in CLI Tools
- 静态网站生成工具继续发展:Static Site Generation Grows as We Try to Simplify the Frontend and Seek Performance
- 无服务器架构与 JAMstack:Serverless Architectures and JAMStack
- TypeScript 也许是 js 的未来,Flow 就不怎么像了:TypeScript May Be the Future of JavaScript (but the Same Can’t Be Said for Flow)
- webpack 4 发布:Webpack 4 Lands in Early 2018
- Babel 7 发布:Babel 7.0 is Released
然后列了一堆2018年比较有影响力的文章:Most Influential Articles of 2018
* With the foundation in place and the constant push for improved web experience, WebAssembly will start to see more life.
wasm 应用会更加广泛
* React stays on top, but Vue and Angular continue to grow in users.
react 仍将是老大,vue 和 ng 的用户会继续增长
* CSS-in-JS may become the default styling method instead of plain CSS.
js 内嵌 css 可能会取代 css
* Could be developers take another look at native Web Components?
大概 web component 也会得到关注
* Not surprisingly, performance continues to be a focus and things such as PWAs and code splitting become the norm for every app.
性能仍是未来关注的重点,PWA 和 code splitting 常态化
* Building on the PWA adoption, the web becomes more native with offline capabilities and seamless desktop/mobile experiences.
在 PWA 之上会出现更多可离线使用的网站,并提供更好的无缝桌面/移动用户体验
* We continue to see the growth of CLI tools and frameworks to continue to abstract away to the tedious aspects of building applications, allowing developers to focus on producing features.
CLI 工具会更加成熟,容易使用
* More companies adopt mobile solutions that have a unified codebase such as React Native or Flutter.
更多公司会使用 react native 或者 flutter 之类进行手机 app 的跨平台开发
* The influence of containerization (ie. Docker, Kubernetes) becomes more prevalent in the frontend process.
docker、k8s 等工具会更加流行
* GraphQL makes a leap in adoption and is utilized in more companies.
gql 会得到更广泛的应用
* TypeScript starts to become the default choice over standard JavaScript.
ts 开始取代 js
* Virtual reality makes strides forward using libraries like A-Frame, React VR, and Google VR.
VR 将会进一步发展
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