1月11日Tatler: The organiser Tatler Asia wishes to reassure ticket-holders and football fans in Hong Kong that ALL Inter Miami marquee stars, including Argentina's World Cup winning captain Lionel Messi will be involved in playing in the Tatler XFEST Hong Kong fixture against the representative Hong Kong team in Hong Kong on February 4th 2024.
【 在 yekai 的大作中提到: 】 : 一月初哪个媒体说主办方表示不保证梅西一定上场?主办方的说法亮出来 : 二月份主办方都给了收支平衡表,你又表示这是媒体说的 : 没有双标啊,是你不求甚解的 -- 修改:cre FROM 115.171.222.* FROM 115.171.222.*