- 主题:这种1cm的越位,什么时间划线也完全不一样吧。。
FROM 222.90.239.*
【 在 Batigol 的大作中提到: 】
FROM 114.92.153.*
【 在 RealBetis 的大作中提到: 】
: 这次欧洲杯的足球有传感器,触球瞬间非常精准
FROM 222.90.239.*
【 在 Batigol 的大作中提到: 】
: 触球是个过程
: 看是刚挨到,还是之前解说一直说的出脚后
FROM 114.92.153.*
【 在 RealBetis 的大作中提到: 】
: 全过程都清楚,有力学传感器,你看那个手球回放过程就知道了
FROM 222.90.239.*
The offside rule in soccer states that a player is in an offside position if they’re closer to the opposing team’s goal line than both the ball and the second last opponent at the time the ball is played.
“ at the time the ball is played” 这里应该是指的触球瞬间,中文翻译成出球瞬间容易引起歧义让人误以为球离开脚的那一瞬间,翻译成传球瞬间也可以。
【 在 Batigol 的大作中提到: 】
: 到底是过程的哪个节点,划越位线的
修改:RealBetis FROM 114.92.153.*
FROM 114.92.153.*
【 在 RealBetis 的大作中提到: 】
: The offside rule in soccer states that a player is in an offside position if they’re closer to the opposing team’s goal line than both the ball and the second last opponent at the time the ball is played.
: “ at the time the ball is played” 这里应该是指的触球瞬间,中文翻译成出球瞬间容易引起歧义让人误以为球离开脚的那一瞬间,翻译成传球瞬间也可以。
FROM 222.90.239.*
【 在 RealBetis 的大作中提到: 】
: The offside rule in soccer states that a player is in an offside position if they’re closer to the opposing team’s goal line than both the ball and the second last opponent at the time the ball is played.
: “ at the time the ball is played” 这里应该是指的触球瞬间,中文翻译成出球瞬间容易引起歧义让人误以为球离开脚的那一瞬间,翻译成传球瞬间也可以。
: ...................
FROM 114.254.1.*
the ball is played,这里played在实操层面就是碰球,换成touched也没问题
【 在 coce 的大作中提到: 】
: 应该就是出球瞬间
: --来自微微水木3.5.14@newsmth
修改:RealBetis FROM 114.92.153.*
FROM 114.92.153.*
【 在 RealBetis 的大作中提到: 】
: The offside rule in soccer states that a player is in an offside position if they’re closer to the opposing team’s goal line than both the ball and the second last opponent at the time the ball is played.
: “ at the time the ball is played” 这里应该是指的触球瞬间,中文翻译成出球瞬间容易引起歧义让人误以为球离开脚的那一瞬间,翻译成传球瞬间也可以。
FROM 117.136.45.*