本青英文六级水平 试着改一下
Playing around 后面跟名词应该加with
as secondary consideration 前面应该加冠词
spreak about about 多一个about
play for you 24/7 none stop 目测此处是中国式英语
Lega President lega是意大利语,不确定这么说奇怪不奇怪
if your are Inter fan or Juven Fan or no fan at all. you 和 Juve拼错,no fan at all 什么鬼
you , your family , and our society 不确定这样说奇怪不奇怪
【 在 cestlavie (along the border between earth and hell) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: Steven Zhang的英文原文
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Mar 4 16:00:24 2020), 站内
: Playing around the calendar and always putting the public health as secondary consideration. You are probably the biggest and darkest clown 1 have ever seen. #24hours #48hours? #7days?And what else? What's your next step?
: And now you speak about about sportsmanship & fair competition?
: How about we don't protect our players or coaches and ask them to play for you 24/7 none stop?
: Yes, l'm speaking at you. Our Lega President #PaoloDalPino !
: #shameonyou
: lt's time to stand up and take your responsibility! This is what we do in 2020 !
: Everybody around the world,doesn't matter if your are Inter fan or Juven Fan or no fan at all. please be safe! This is the most important thing for you , your family , and our society
: --
: ※ 来源:·水木社区
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