32年前希尔斯堡惨案中受重伤的利物浦球迷Andrew Devine周二去世,享年55岁。
A Liverpool FC fan who suffered life-changing injuries at Hillsborough has d
ied, 32 years on, with a coroner recording him as the 97th victim of the dis
Andrew Devine, 55, was badly hurt in the tragedy at the FA Cup semi-final on
15 April 1989. He spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair and needed con
stant professional care.
“It is with great sadness and a sense of immense loss that we can confirm t
hat Andrew Devine passed away yesterday at the premature age of 55,” his fa
mily said in a statement released on Wednesday night through Liverpool FC.
“Our collective devastation is overwhelming but so too is the realisation t
hat we were blessed to have had Andrew with us for 32 years since the Hillsb
orough tragedy.”
The family was told Mr Devine would not survive after his chest was crushed
and his brain deprived of oxygen in the lethal crush that saw 96 fellow supp
orters killed in Britain’s worst ever sporting disaster.
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