Managers Years
John Robertson 1905 to 1906
David Calderhead 1907 to 1933
T Leslie Knighton 1933 to 1939
William Birrell 1939 to 1952
Ted Drake 1952 to 1961
Tommy Docherty 1962 to 1967
Dave Sexton 1967 to 1974
Ron Suart 1974 to 1975
Eddie McCreadie 1975 to 1977
Ken Shellito 1977 to 1978
Danny Blanchflower 1978 to 1979
Geoff Hurst 1979 to 1981
John Neal 1981 to 1985
John Hollins 1985 to 1988
Bobby Campbell 1988 to 1992
Ian Porterfield 1992 to 1993
David Webb 1993 to 1993
Glenn Hoddle 1993 to 1996
Ruud Gullit 1996 to 1998
Gianluca Vialli 1998 to 2000
Claudio Ranieri 2000 to present
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