【 以下文字转载自 Bible 讨论区 】
发信人: ibm2211 (ibm2211), 信区: Bible
标 题: 高校院所突破的关键还是在于圣贤管理模式圣贤教育 (转载)
发信站: 水木社区 (Sat May 4 02:20:27 2024), 站内
发信人: ibm2211 (ibm2211), 信区: QingJiao
标 题: 高校院所突破的关键还是在于圣贤管理模式圣贤教育
发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Apr 27 04:13:07 2024), 站内
世界观摆正, 认识自然规律
搞什么kpi, 搞点辅助就可以了
以前的梅贻琦, 徐光启
全程不搞硬性要求, 灵活务实
This College addendum to Penn State Policy AC40 applies to all tenured faculty in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
The College Faculty Performance Evaluation Committee (hereinafter called the FPE Committee) will review the materials (except the Department Head’s letter – this will be removed from the materials to allow the FPE Committee to make a judgement independent of the Department Head’s assessment) and prepare a written summary and assessment following this standard review process:
A committee member who is not from the reviewed faculty member’s department will write the first draft of the FPE Committee’s review statement. FPE committee members should expect to be responsible for preparing one or more reviews.
Another committee member, preferably from the reviewed faculty member’s department (unless there are noted conflicts of interest), should provide detailed comments on the first draft.
The final draft will be prepared by the assigned FPE member after considering comments from the whole committee.
The FPE Committee chair will produce the final versions of all evaluations for consistency and completeness.
The FPE Committee’s statement should reflect both the consensus and the breadth of opinion within the committee. Written comments of the FPE Committee should focus on accomplishment and future goals in accordance with college expectations. The evaluation should include a realistic appraisal of the candidate’s ability to achieve the proposed goals. The FPE Committee can include recommendations for action in support of a faculty member’s career goals. The file and accompanying letter will be forwarded to the Dean. The Dean will receive the Department Head’s letter separately.
Faculty members may request to meet with the FPE Committee as part of the evaluation. Such requests should be made through the Dean’s office in late January, after the Department Head has prepared her/his review. The FPE Committee may request a meeting with a faculty member to discuss the evaluation. After the review is submitted to the Dean, the FPE Committee may request a meeting with the Dean to discuss a given case. The Dean may also consult with either or both Department Head and/or the FPE Committee prior to finalizing her/his letter.
过度简化: KPI可能会过度简化复杂的研究活动,无法全面捕捉所做工作的全部范围和影响。
侧重量化指标: 过分依赖量化KPI(例如,发表论文数量、获得资助金额)可能会低估研究的定性方面,如创新、影响力或社会影响。
短期焦点: KPI可能会鼓励短期内达到目标,而不是培养可能需要多年才能产生结果的长期、开创性研究。
压力和压力: 达到KPI目标的压力可能会导致研究人员的工作环境压力大且可能不健康。
操纵系统: 存在个人或团队可能操纵活动以满足KPI的风险,这可能导致不道德行为,如数据操纵或过度自我引用。
阻碍冒险: 研究人员可能会避免创新或高风险项目,这些项目不太可能产生立即的、可衡量的成果,从而对KPI产生积极贡献。
资源转移: 跟踪和报告KPI的过程可能会消耗大量时间和资源,这些资源本可以用于实际的研究活动。
创新受限: 过分关注KPI可能会限制研究人员的创造性思维和探索未知领域的自由,因为这些活动可能不会立即转化为KPI的提升。
忽视协作: 如果KPI过于关注个人或特定团队的成果,可能会忽视研究协作和跨学科合作的价值。
文化影响: 过度强调KPI可能会对研究机构的文化产生负面影响,导致竞争而非合作的氛围。
多样性和包容性的挑战: 如果KPI过于狭隘,可能无法充分体现研究活动的多样性和包容性,尤其是在跨文化和跨学科的研究环境中。
评价的主观性: 即使是量化的KPI也可能受到评价者主观判断的影响,特别是在评价研究质量和影响力时。
更新和适应性的挑战: 研究领域不断进化,KPI需要定期更新以反映最新的研究趋势和标准,这可能是一个挑战。
可能导致不平等: 在资源分配上过度依赖KPI可能导致资源向已经表现良好的个人或团队集中,从而加剧不平等。
忽视非目标导向的研究: KPI可能导致对那些不直接对应于特定KPI但对知识体系有重要贡献的研究的忽视。
【 在 angusta 的大作中提到: 】
: 不管你内部什么评价奖惩体系,合理不合理,我高层只看你高校系统两个输出结果,一个是教育,是否有年轻人才可用。一个是技术突破,是否对国内核心产业做了contribution。
: @mizhahu

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