“The EMP had been predicted by scientists, but the Starfish Prime pulse was far larger than expected. And there was another effect that hadn’t been predicted accurately. Many of the electrons from the blast didn’t fall down into the Earth’s atmosphere, but instead lingered in space for months, trapped by Earth’s magnetic field, creating an artificial radiation belt high above our planet’s surface.
When a high-speed electron hits a satellite, it can generate a sort-of miniature EMP. The details are complex, but the net effect is that these electrons can zap satellites and damage their electronics. The pulse of electrons from the Starfish Prime detonation damaged at least six satellites (including one Soviet bird), all of which eventually failed due to the blast. Other satellite failures at the time may be linked to the explosion as well.”
【 在 stockfan 的大作中提到: 】
: 理解低能儿,把nasa论文结论当作猜测性,难道比你引用错误百出的资料然后的出的结论还要猜测性?顺便说一下,nasa论文里提到的某卫星的太阳能板失效时间理论计算和实际观测是一致的,人家有理论有实际,你这种凭空意想的理解低能儿还有脸说人家猜测性。
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