Using only GPS means at best the signal to noise improves by averaging (sqrt(1/n)) and at 5 to 10 Hz the accuracy degrades rapidly with course changes. GPS also will “jump” in location as different satellites are periodically chosen to be added / removed from the solution. This jump is sometimes 10-15 meters. The velocity from GPS (computed from Doppler) has less noise, and “jumps” less when the satellite constellation changes.
The solution is to add another data source. There are several accelerometers available that can measure the linear acceleration. Simply put, they provide the rate of change in velocity, and after a coordinate transform, an do so in the same coordinate space as the GPS. In addition to a linear accelerometer, an angular with a second GPS would provide the course and further refine the solution, but for this example a linear accelerometer should be sufficient for a dramatic improvement. Relying only on the accelerometer causes a drift as noise and round off integrate.
The ideal thing about the accelerometer is the noise is small (0.002 m rms), it can be measured rapidly (1Hz – 5kHz), the errors are Gaussian (average out) and the error sources are completely different than GPS. Because there is no connection in noise source, the accelerometer and GPS error sources tend to cancel out.
【 在 NikkorNOCT (野猪囧大王) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: pbox里头到底有没有加速度传感器?
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Jan 8 00:48:07 2015), 站内
: 手机上也可以外接蓝牙GPS模块啊,10Hz的也不贵,完全够用了
: 【 在 motour (enduro8.com 个人小站建设中) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 手机上的GPS的最大劣势就是GPS的频率不高,但传感器的频率和计算频率却能比pbox高很多
: : 如果算法合适,在速度上计算方式逼近pbox测量精度,同时天生精确的加速度数据,应该比pbox更好玩
: : 主贴就说了,我闲时对比pbox的加速度数据,发现丫就是用原始GPS速度减出来的,而原始数据里的各种噪声、毛刺,也被异常放大到了加速度数据里,现在是个汽车评测就用pbox测01,
: : ...................
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