Adv. Mater. 2009, 21, 3012–3015
Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystals
Using Multibeam Interference Lithography and
Electrodeposition: Electrodeposition of Cu2O[31] was performed using a
conventional three-electrode setup. A platinum plate and a Ag/AgCl in
saturated potassium chloride aqueous solution (SSE) were used as counter
and reference electrodes, respectively. The electrolyte was an aqueous
solution containing cupric sulfate (0.2 M) and lactic acid (1.6 M). The pH of
the solution was adjusted to 9 by addition of sodium hydroxide. The
solution temperature was kept constant at 65 8C during deposition. The
Cu2O layer was grown under potentiostatic conditions at _0.55 V versus
SSE. To facilitate infilling of the hydrophobic SU-8 template with the cupric
sulfate aqueous solution, the 3D template was first wetted by ethanol
before electrodeposition.