The greatest incidence of reported COVID-19 disease was in January 2022, with a clear escalation which mirrors the generalized, global displacement of the dominant circulating SARS-CoV-2 variant from Delta to Omicron, especially during the European winter (where respondent numbers were greatest). Most respondents reporting COVID-19 during the survey were in the two middle age bands (20 to 69 years inclusive) (Figure 9). In terms of age bands, the 50 to 69 years age range reported the highest incidence of COVID-19 disease (12.3% of respondents), followed by the 20 to 49 year group (10.7%), with considerably lower reporting (1.3% to 3.8%) of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 disease among both the youngest and oldest age bands (Figure 10).
【 在 babyUnicorn 的大作中提到: 】
: 是你不理解什么叫社会发病率。无论什么疾病,如果某个特性群体的发病率明显低于社会发病率,那么这个特性就可能是避免此病的原因,对照组就是全人类。对于新冠,调查当时正好奥米克荣肆虐,全球发病率已经远超50%,英国当时发病率应该达到了150%,而样本人群最高发病率50-59岁组也只有12%。这是正规期刊发表的严肃研究,规模也够大,如果要反驳疫苗的负面作用,应该疫苗研发和生产者给出大范围统计数据来证明疫苗的有效性。鉴于至今国内外疫苗都没有公布现实的有效性和安全性统计,可以推测数据对疫苗不利。你不愿意相信真相对我对研究者都没有损失,倒霉的只有盲目接种疫苗的人自己。辩论赢了也不改变损害健康的事实。疫苗和新冠的危害方兴未艾,时间会给出惊人的答案。我三年前的提醒没有阻止愚蠢,也不指望现在有什么不同。
FROM 114.84.103.*