- 主题:辅助驾驶真是太好用了,有大于等于ix3辅助能力的车吗?
【 在 pany 的大作中提到: 】
: 价格要30-35左右。最近试了ix3辅助驾驶,简直神器。自动跟车+车道保持,然后自动变道,然后再加上拥堵模式,基本上可以把封闭道路上各种场景都覆盖了,简直太香了。
: rt,打算再进一辆车,辅助驾驶能力不比ix3差的车吗?
FROM 123.123.45.*
【 在 pany (pany) 的大作中提到: 】
: 看了,感谢,确实比较详细。不弱过如果后续能加入那些激光雷达的比如极护华为版 小鹏p5激光版本对比就好了
: 【 在 cnlisy90 的大作中提到: 】
: : 看42mark。有比较详细的评测
: : 发自「今日水木 on M2102K1C」
FROM 223.104.3.*
FROM 106.37.201.*
【 在 kochpy 的大作中提到: 】
: 特斯拉很爽,四环通勤,90%的时间都开着辅助驾驶。听听歌,发发呆,看看股票,因为堵车走的慢,比较安全,我反正不咋管的,简直爽歪歪啊。
FROM 183.225.16.*
【 在 pany 的大作中提到: 】
: 没有试过特斯拉的。但是欧洲评级怎么把ix3评的比特斯拉还高。还有,特斯拉现在是纯视觉,连毫米波雷达都取消掉了吧?
FROM 106.37.201.*
看看euroncap对model 3和ix3的评价。仅看防碰撞结果,弯道居中结果,特斯拉都好于ix3。对特斯拉的扣分主要为,一是宣传过头,二是无驾驶员状态视频监控,三是没有实时识别高速限速。
Tesla’s system name Autopilot is inappropriate as it suggests full automation. The promotional material suggests automation where the handbook correctly indicates the limitations of the system capabilities, which could lead to confusion. Status information is clear, but the Model 3 does not offer a head-up display showing the system status in the driver’s direct line of sight. While the Tesla is equipped with an internal camera, it is not used for Driver Monitoring relying only on steering wheel input for driver engagement. The system resists driver steering input and then disengages, limiting co-operative driving.
Tesla uses map-based speed limit information on highways to manage changes on highways but responds to variable and temporary speed limit signs only on urban roads. The system adapts speed for upcoming road features such as curves and junctions. The Model 3 responds to avoid a collision in all the ACC test scenarios and requires AEB interventions only in the most critical cut-in and cut-out tests. The driver is supported through the S-Bend, staying centred in the lane at all test speeds. The vehicle has an Active Blindspot system designed to prevent lane changing into adjacent vehicles. A lane-change assist function is also provided. In case of an unresponsive driver, the Tesla performs a controlled stop in lane. If the radar or camera are blocked the Model 3 provides a timely warning and prevents system activation.
The Tesla Model 3 excels in the level of Vehicle Assistance but fails to balance that high level of support with a similar level of Driver Engagement leading to possible overreliance. Euro NCAP tested the latest version of AutoPilot available at the time of testing. Tesla can improve the functionality of the system remotely by over-the-air software updates.
BMW's appropriately named Driving Assistant Professional accurately portrays system functionality. The promotional material and the handbook correctly indicate the limitations of the system capabilities. Status information is clear, and the iX3 offers a head-up display showing the system status in the driver’s direct line of sight. BMW equipped the iX3 with an internal camera but it is not used for the functionality tested in Driver Monitoring, and relies only on steering wheel input. The system balances driver steering input with lane guidance, promoting co-operative driving.
BMW combines map-based speed limit information with real time camera inputs to manage fixed, variable and temporary speed limit signs. The system adapts speed for upcoming road features such as curves and junctions. The iX3 responds to avoid a collision in most of the ACC test scenarios and requires AEB interventions in the more critical stopped vehicle, cut-in and cut-out tests. The driver is supported through the S-Bend, staying within the lane at all but the highest test speed. The vehicle has an Active Blindspot system designed to prevent lane changing into adjacent vehicles. A lane-change assist function is not available. In case of an unresponsive driver, the BMW performs a controlled stop in lane. If the radar or camera are blocked the iX3 provides a timely warning and prevents system activation.
The BMW iX3 excels in the level of Vehicle Assistance with a similar level of Driver Engagement resulting in a high-performing, balanced system. Euro NCAP tested the latest version of Driving Asssistant Professional available at the time of testing. BMW can improve the functionality of the system remotely by over-the-air software updates.
【 在 pany 的大作中提到: 】
: 没有试过特斯拉的。但是欧洲评级怎么把ix3评的比特斯拉还高。还有,特斯拉现在是纯视觉,连毫米波雷达都取消掉了吧?
FROM 114.246.98.*
【 在 kochpy 的大作中提到: 】
: 特斯拉很爽,四环通勤,90%的时间都开着辅助驾驶。听听歌,发发呆,看看股票,因为堵车走的慢,比较安全,我反正不咋管的,简直爽歪歪啊。
FROM 49.7.64.*
【 在 cosun 的大作中提到: 】
: 四环不少特斯拉慢悠悠的开,估计是你这样的
FROM 192.55.54.*
【 在 juinjwst 的大作中提到: 】
: 看看euroncap对model 3和ix3的评价。仅看防碰撞结果,弯道居中结果,特斯拉都好于ix3。对特斯拉的扣分主要为,一是宣传过头,二是无驾驶员状态视频监控,三是没有实时识别高速限速。
: Tesla’s system name Autopilot is inappropriate as it suggests full automation. The promotional material suggests automation where the handbook correctly indicates the limitations of the system capabilities, which could lead to confusion. Status information is clear, but the Model 3 does not offer a head-up display showing the system status in the driver’s direct line of sight. While the Tesla is equipped with an internal camera, it is not used for Driver Monitoring relying only on steering wheel input for driver engagement. The system resists driver steering input and then disengages, limiting co-operative driving.
: Tesla uses map-based speed limit information on highways to manage changes on highways but responds to variable and temporary speed limit signs only on urban roads. The system adapts speed for upcoming road features such as curves and junctions. The Model 3 responds to avoid a collision in all the ACC test scenarios and requires AEB interventions only in the most critical cut-in and cut-out tests. The driver is supported through the S-Bend, staying centred in the lane at all test speeds. The vehicle has an Active Blindspot system designed to prevent lane changing into adjacent vehicles. A lane-change assist function is also provided. In case of an unresponsive driver, the Tesla performs a controlled stop in lane. If the radar or camera are blocked the Model 3 provides a timely warning and prevents system activation.
: ...................
FROM 27.217.14.*
测试的是2020款。但我也很奇怪,印象里这个功能打model x年代就有了
【 在 GeneralMilk 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个评测有点太过时了。现在tesla车内监控摄像头已经启用了,实时识别限速更是有了好几年了
: tion is clear, but the Model 3 does not offer a head-up display showing the system status in the driver’s direct line of sight. While the Tesla is equipped with an internal camera, it is not used for Driver Monitoring relying only on steering wheel input
: for driver engagement. The system resists driver steering input and then disengages, limiting co-operative driving.
: ...................
FROM 114.246.98.*