- 主题:特斯拉突然加速问题被美国证实是汽车本身问题
【 在 vta 的大作中提到: 】
: 小学生都知道美国的英文单词不是RonaldBeltclaim也不是“证实”的意思 ...
FROM 223.104.246.*
给大家科普一下,Ronald Belt,著名特黑,这些年炮制了多个“刹车失灵”等案例,被NHTSA多次打脸后,仍然锲而不舍,勇气可嘉
【 在 op1qtz (op1qtz) 的大作中提到: 】
: 每次突然加速,都宣称是driver踩错了踏板。现在发现是inverter问题
: In a petition sent to the NHTSA, Ronald Belt claimed that the sudden unintended acceleration (SUA) cases reported by many owners were caused by a faulty inverter design. Since autoevolution broke the story, Tesla hackers have offered their own side of this story, and I believe you should read it
FROM 114.254.3.*
【 在 TrinidadSeal 的大作中提到: 】
: 呵呵,所以不涉及安全性的,实名举报就不对,涉及安全性的,实名举报就对。
: 从这个逻辑,实名举报贪官的也不算安全性,所以也不对?
: 你真牛,逻辑满分
: \- 来自 水木社区APP v3.5.7
: --
发自「今日水木 on iPhone 12」
FROM 36.112.41.*
Tesla Hacker Questions NHTSA Petition Claiming SUA Are Caused by a Faulty Inverter Design
【 在 op1qtz 的大作中提到: 】
: 每次突然加速,都宣称是driver踩错了踏板。现在发现是inverter问题
: In a petition sent to the NHTSA, Ronald Belt claimed that the sudden unintended acceleration (SUA) cases reported by many owners were caused by a faulty inverter design. Since autoevolution broke the story, Tesla hackers have offered their own side of this story, and I believe you should read it
: ...................
FROM 116.233.214.*
【 在 LucaToni 的大作中提到: 】
: 给大家科普一下,Ronald Belt,著名特黑,这些年炮制了多个“刹车失灵”等案例,被NHTSA多次打脸后,仍然锲而不舍,勇气可嘉
FROM 218.247.161.*
- 来自 水木社区APP v3.5.7
【 在 LucaToni 的大作中提到: 】
: 给大家科普一下,Ronald Belt,著名特黑,这些年炮制了多个“刹车失灵”等案例,被NHTSA多次打脸后,仍然锲而不舍,勇气可嘉
FROM 73.162.122.*
【 在 wangdass8 的大作中提到: 】
: 去年11月疑似失控撞死人,不到半年撞死6个人的是你的特斯拉。9个月了是打算石沉大海么,警方通报没出来,倒是你们这帮忠粉,拿个截图在所有平台盖棺定论。
: 以后控舆时候自己打上标签,别让大家操心。
FROM 122.193.109.*
Hughes doesn't believe a drop in the 12-volt rail voltage, as described in the petition, will cause a calibration error leading to an SUA event. The 12-volt rail is monitored by dozens of modules, which would log any low-voltage conditions. Hughes has personally analyzed logs resulting from SUA crashes and thinks a situation like the one described in Ronald Belt's petition is impossible. No log he examined suggests an associated 12-volt drop of any kind, and the NHHTSA had the same information when it decided to close the SUA investigation.
【 在 op1qtz 的大作中提到: 】
: 每次突然加速,都宣称是driver踩错了踏板。现在发现是inverter问题
: In a petition sent to the NHTSA, Ronald Belt claimed that the sudden unintended acceleration (SUA) cases reported by many owners were caused by a faulty inverter design. Since autoevolution broke the story, Tesla hackers have offered their own side of this story, and I believe you should read it
: ...................
FROM 116.236.85.*
【 在 MachvPicchv 的大作中提到: 】
: 只有你们特粉,面对可能的质疑一口咬定是污蔑。也是没谁了 ...
FROM 221.192.178.*
【 在 wangdass8 的大作中提到: 】
: 哈哈哈哈哈,所以你是把特斯拉当被告还是驾驶员了?基本法律常识都没有,您买特斯拉真他妈买对了,您脑洞大的看不到脑子了你知道吗
FROM 163.125.236.*