The Barrow-downs or Tyrn Gorthad were a series of treeless hills east of the Shire, behind the Old Forest, and south-west of the village of Bree. They were called the Barrow-downs, because many of the hills were crowned with barrows (burial mounds). Standing stones stood on some of the green mounds. The Barrow-downs were a treeless country that was covered with grass and turf.
四个霍比特人在这地儿再次遇险,幸好如同在老森林那样,再次被老汤姆搭救。分手前,老汤姆给了霍比特人可以用于防身的短兵,并告诉他们可以去 Bree 的小马酒馆暂避(电影里面是甘道夫让弗罗多去的小马酒馆)。 -- FROM 136.56.44.*