Update on Corroboration of
Source Monitoring
For the first ILC under the IAEA's ALPS safety review, the ALPS treated water samples were taken in March 2022 from the K4-B tank group at FDNPS. The water contained in the K4-B tank group is expected to be the first batch of ALPS treated water that will be discharged, only once TEPCO receives all regulatory approvals from NRA. The focus of the analysis efforts for this ILC were on the radionuclides in the source term which are included in the radiological environmental impact assessment conducted by TEPCO. Participating laboratories were also encouraged to analyse for additional radionuclides beyond the source term.
Analyses were undertaken by TEPCO and by the following three participating IAEA Nuclear Sciences and Applications Laboratories:
IAEA Marine Environment Laboratories, Radiometrics Laboratory (RML), Monaco;
Terrestrial Environmental Radiochemistry Laboratory (TERC), Seibersdorf, Austria;
Isotope Hydrology Laboratory (IHL), Vienna, Austria.
Additionally, under the coordination of the participating IAEA laboratories, selected third-party laboratories, members of the network of Analytical Laboratories for the Measurement of Environmental Radioactivity (ALMERA) with demonstrable competence in the methods required, also conducted analyses of samples as participants in the ILCs.
The laboratories participating in this ILC were:
o Spiez Laboratory (LS - Labor Spiez), Switzerland
o Institut de Radioprotection et de Sureté Nucléaire (IRSN), France
o Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), United States of America
o Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS), Republic of Korea
The results of the analyses undertaken at each laboratory were reported to the IAEA. For results that could be intercompared (i.e., for radionuclides for which activity concentrations above detection limits were reported by at least two laboratories) a statistical evaluation to assess agreement was carried out by the IAEA. The method used for the statistical evaluation was based on techniques currently used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures' (BIPM Consultative Committee for Ionizing Radiation, Section II: Measurement of Radionuclides, CCRI(I) and, thus, adhered to best international practice.
For other radionuclides, the detection limits reported by participating laboratories were compared to evaluate whether the analytical methods used by TEPCO were broadly equivalent and thus appropriate and fit for purpose.
On 31 May 2023 the IAEA published a detailed report including the results from this ILC [1]. The results are presented in tables and charts in this report.
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https://www.iaea.org/sites/default/files/iaea_comprehensive_alp: ..................
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