lgpl 如果不改 qt 本身,或者不搞静态链接跟 BSD 授权也没啥区别。
用 Qt 最大的麻烦是,Qt 最近把销售给外包了,这些销售公司哪有什么长期的规划,全都是变现一波走人,到处发律师信,其实非常伤 Qt.
【 在 javaboy 的大作中提到: 】
: wxwidgets的license更宽松,基本上和bsd差不多了。
: The wxWidgets library ... allows you to link your application either dynamically or statically to wxWidgets without the requirement to distribute the source for your your own application. In other words, you can use wxWidgets for either free or commercial
: projects, at no cost. The license encourages you to give back enhancements you make to the wxWidgets library itself.
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FROM 59.57.152.*