如果AE说有条件接收,不过要搞定Reviewer #1的comment,那就看看上次意见是啥,写个十几页的答复。
【 在 shong 的大作中提到: 】
: 论文已经修回一次了(当时是两个外审专家),现在又给出了修订稿的审稿结果,只有一个审稿专家了,结果如下:
: Reviewer #1: The authors have performed an extensive revision of their submission to the journal, accompanied by an also extensive response to the reviewers. However, as it stands, the revision per se - in terms of the improvements recommended by the reviewers in their initial review of the ms in question - is not adequate in terms of either depth, or critical detail, to grant publication to the journal.
: The submission could be considered for publication to a "sister" journal, if the Editors of both the journal and the sister-journal agree.
: ...................
FROM 120.230.117.*