收到,我把题目改为A Systematic, Mathematic Consumer Choice Theory Based on Need
A Systematic, Mathematic Consumer Choice Theory Based on Need
We systematically and mathematically analyzed how consumer buys commodities to satisfy her needs, and developed a consumer choice theory based on need. We discovered and proved, to choose a bundle of commodities that best satisfies her needs, consumer makes choice in two steps, first makes the choice between commodities that satisfy the same need by characteristic, then makes the choice between commodities that satisfy different needs by utility. The two steps consumer choice explains real world consumer’s choice behavior better than present consumer choice theories. Based on the consumer choice theory based on need, we developed a new and better price theory.
【 在 wayne28 的大作中提到: 】
: 这样来说,题目确实还是偏大了,毕竟这不是首创的理论。
: 应该是改进的或者优化的。
: 可能加一个修饰词要好一些。
: ...................
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