- 主题:ACE和发球制胜分(Service Winner)有什么区别啊?
FROM 111.192.97.*
【 在 Litmanen 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: ACE和发球制胜分(Service Winner)有什么区别啊?
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Sep 7 20:40:25 2022), 站内
: --
: ※ 来源:·水木社区 mysmth.net·[FROM: 111.192.97.*]
【 在 Litmanen 的大作中提到: 】
FROM 180.162.8.*
From wiki:
Ace: Serve where the tennis ball lands inside the service box and is not touched by the receiver; thus, a shot that is both a serve and a winner is an ace. Aces are usually powerful and generally land on or near one of the corners at the back of the service box. Initially, the term was used to indicate the scoring of a point.
Winner: A shot that is not reached by the opponent and wins the point; sometimes also a serve that is reached but not returned into the court.
【 在 Litmanen 的大作中提到: 】
FROM 108.31.102.*
【 在 ap9 的大作中提到: 】
: ace对手没碰到球,发球致胜对手碰到球了。
FROM 223.70.132.*
【 在 CORDIC 的大作中提到: 】
: From wiki:
: Ace: Serve where the tennis ball lands inside the service box and is not touched by the receiver; thus, a shot that is both a serve and a winner is an ace. Aces are usually powerful and generally land on or near one of the corners at the back of the servi
: ce box. Initially, the term was used to indicate the scoring of a point.
: ...................
FROM 223.70.132.*
如果发球方:一发重发,二发算双误。 接球方下网出界算对方serve winner。
【 在 Litmanen 的大作中提到: 】
: 那发球制胜分和下网出界有啥区别
FROM 173.79.43.*
好像不是的,不是所有直得都是service winner
【 在 CORDIC 的大作中提到: 】
: 下网出界是发球方,还是接球方?
: 如果发球方:一发重发,二发算双误。 接球方下网出界算对方serve winner。
FROM 223.70.132.*
网球的技术统计没有Service winner这项,如果硬要说,那么意思基本一样的。接发球碰到球但失误的一般是叫unreturned Service.
【 在 Litmanen 的大作中提到: 】
FROM 122.11.212.*
有的,service winner会计入到winner里面,ACE也会计入到winner里面
【 在 kyen 的大作中提到: 】
: 网球的技术统计没有Service winner这项,如果硬要说,那么意思基本一样的。接发球碰到球但失误的一般是叫unreturned Service.
FROM 223.70.132.*