What do you seek, dear Carlo, that I hide
In my dark breast? Or what I show
The way to solve the cube, with two keys only,
Unlocking the realm of three things? Well, I show
The path for you, but do not give the key
To others, so the secret is dear to me.
The thing you ask of me is precious,
A valuable and costly thing:
It is the solution to the cube and the square.
For which I want to give you the key and the method,
But do not tell it to anyone; only to you.
It lies in the sign that makes the sum
Of the things that are three in number only;
And the number is one, which I reveal to you.
Of the cube and the square, which I show you.
What makes the sum of the square and the cube,
Take it, and put the number eight above it.
FROM 123.121.183.*