Pre-IPO: 如果你不了解 Pivotal, 那肯定了解 Spring, Redis, RabbitMQ, CloudFoundry, GreenplumDB, Gemfire, HAWQ, Concourse 这些开源项目中的一个或者多个. 这些产品背后的公司都是 Pivotal 啦.
地点: 北京,融科资讯中心B 座
薪资:20w-50w + 数量可观的期权
福利: 公司代缴四险个人该交的部分(通常公司不管这部分, 从薪水中扣除), 每天免费早餐, 每周和每月的 team lunch, 各种体育俱乐部(羽毛球, 乒乓球, 足球, 篮球等), 全覆盖的商业保险(包括配偶和子女), 20天带薪假期, 原始股, 优雅舒服的办公环境
2016 微软,福特汽车投资C轮2.53亿美元。
2016 Google 最佳合作伙伴top 1.
2013 EMC,VMware,GE投资。
有意者请联系 yyao AT pivotal DOT io
Required Skills
- Proficient on JavaScript. Have rich experience to design large stable, scalable, flexible, extendable frontend/backend framework.
- Proficient on HTML5 and CSS3. Have demonstrated experience to design nice look & feel frontend.
- Proficient on one popular backend technologies, like Python or golfing
- Familiar with frontend trend. Has solid understanding/experience on some popular frontend frameworks like AngularJS, ReactJS, Mithril etc.
- Solid on frontend UT/BT tools like Jasmine/Mocha. Good at frontend development environment and toolset like Grunt/Gulp, Bower, Yeoman.
- Team player and self motivated for success
- UX experience is a big plus
FROM 126.112.254.*