Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) interventions use and/or teach the use of a system of communication that is not verbal/vocal including aided and unaided communication systems. Unaided communication systems do not use any materials or technology (e.g., sign language and gestures). Aided communication systems include low tech systems (e.g., exchanging objects/ pictures or pointing to letters) and extend to high tech speech generating devices (SGDs) and applications that allow other devices (i.e., phones, tablets) to serve as SGDs. Methods of teaching AAC use are also included in this category (e.g., Aided Language Modeling) which may include other EBPs such as prompting, reinforcement, visual supports, and peer-mediated interventions.
o Manualized Interventions Meeting Criteria: Picture Exchange Communication System(R) (PECS(R); Bondy and Frost, 1985).
辅助和替代沟通系统(AAC) 辅助和替代沟通系统(AAC)干预采用和/或教授一种非口头/发声的沟通系统,包括辅助和非辅助的沟通系统。
o 符合标准的手动干预:图片交流沟通系统(R)(PECS(R);Bondy和Frost,1985)。
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