- 主题:不懂增程车的人实际上也不懂内燃机
【 在 AZTU 的大作中提到: 】
: 哦 你说说多少年了?举个例子啊
修改:mchh211 FROM 58.240.236.*
FROM 58.240.236.*
【 在 pengkp 的大作中提到: 】
: 毕竟增程器功率在那儿,极端工况避免不了。看看贴主后来发的内容,高原低压下,司机瞎开导致冷却液开锅,又擅自打开,冷却液一下全沸了,跑掉了,这下彻底没法开了。如果不打开冷却液盖,停会儿车让冷却液降温后可以继续开的。后来理想工作人员也是开理想one上千公里来救援的,说明正常开在高原也是没问题的,使劲操车那就没办法了。
FROM 202.122.36.*
【 在 MyNameIs007 的大作中提到: 】
: 抖音上看到一个开五菱宏光mini进藏的。
: 到了某地没电了,充电发现发电机工作不起来了,没办法又开到山底去充电。。。。。。
FROM 114.248.251.*
【 在 pengkp 的大作中提到: 】
: 开续航100km的纯电车进藏,太自信了!或者就是为了吸引关注吧。
: 宏光miniEV还是不错的,老人接孩子,短途上下班,替代老年代步车和二轮电动车,安全又实用。
FROM 202.122.36.*
【 在 tsa300 的大作中提到: 】
: 脱裤子放屁油耗高续航差,动力又弱,唯一的优点是能加油,最大糟点是精神股东敏感且脆弱
: --
发自「今日水木 on Android」
FROM 223.104.3.*
【 在 MyNameIs007 的大作中提到: 】
: 电的加速没的说,这个油车肯定赶不上。
: 但是你说NVH,那就扯蛋了。也就是龟速的时候电机噪音比发动机小,但是高速的时候主要就是风噪胎噪了,这个时候电机比发动机小的那一丁点儿噪音根本就不值一提。剩下的,就是看车的设计了。不说跑多高,就跑100,你的理想、蔚来静音效果不一定赶的上6-70万的GLE、X5吧。
: 【 在 qtpr 的大作中提到: 】
: ....................
- 来自「最水木 for iPhone 8」
FROM 211.94.242.*
【 在 MyNameIs007 的大作中提到: 】
: 擦,我90%的时间在市内开,为毛要弄一个这玩意儿装车上呢,省出的空间我弄个前备箱放点东西不好吗?
: 【 在 qtpr 的大作中提到: 】
: : 做增程器的话,寿命不用太高。
: ....................
- 来自「最水木 for iPhone 8」
FROM 211.94.242.*
The 2017 Honda Clarity is a mid-size four-door sedan that comes with two different powertrains, both of them zero-emssion.
The first to arrive, in December 2016, was the Clarity Fuel Cell, which is powered by a hydrogen fuel cell that feeds pure hydrogen, stored in the car's high-pressure tanks, into a fuel cell that combines with air to produce electricity and pure water. The electricity powers a motor that drives the front wheels. It doesn’t need to be plugged in to charge a battery; instead, the driver needs to refill it with high-pressure hydrogen at a specialized (and expensive) station—of which there are only about 30 at this point. The Clarity went on sale in December 2016, but is offered only in parts of California where hydrogen stations are available. It comes in just one trim level, but is well-equipped for a mid-size sedan.
The second version, the 2017 Honda Clarity Electric, will go on sale in spring 2017, and is powered by the same electric motor. Its energy comes from a lithium-ion battery pack that can be plugged into either household current or a 240-volt Level 2 charging station to recharge it. While some technical details haven't been released, Honda says the battery range will be "about 80 miles." That puts the electric Clarity at a significant disadvantage against smaller electric cars get enhanced ranges of 100 to 125 miles, not to mention the Chevrolet Bolt EV with its 238-mile rating.
一个燃料电池版, 一个纯电版?
【 在 mchh211 的大作中提到: 】
: 插电式混动版Clarity是17年发布、上市
FROM 114.240.55.*
【 在 AZTU 的大作中提到: 】
: The 2017 Honda Clarity is a mid-size four-door sedan that comes with two different powertrains, both of them zero-emssion.
: The first to arrive, in December 2016, was the Clarity Fuel Cell, which is powered by a hydrogen fuel cell that feeds pure hydrogen, stored in the car's high-pressure tanks, into a fuel cell that combines with air to produce electricity and pure water. The electricity powers a motor that drives the front wheels. It doesn’t need to be plugged in to charge a battery; instead, the driver needs to refill it with high-pressure hydrogen at a specialized (and expensive) station—of which there are only about 30 at this point. The Clarity went on sale in December 2016, but is offered only in parts of California where hydrogen stations are available. It comes in just one trim level, but is well-equipped for a mid-size sedan.
: The second version, the 2017 Honda Clarity Electric, will go on sale in spring 2017, and is powered by the same electric motor. Its energy comes from a lithium-ion battery pack that can be plugged into either household current or a 240-volt Level 2 charging station to recharge it. While some technical details haven't been released, Honda says the battery range will be "about 80 miles." That puts the electric Clarity at a significant disadvantage against smaller electric cars get enhanced ranges of 100 to 125 miles, not to mention the Chevrolet Bolt EV with its 238-mile rating.
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FROM 58.240.236.*
【 在 tsa300 (Tele-Superachromat T*) 的大作中提到: 】
: 增程是死路,马自达都搞过转子增程,最后发现走不通
: 脱裤子放屁总体划不来,不如混动和纯油,现在还有轻混
: 理想是没办法才弄个这个噱头,他搞别的弄瞎了才赌这个。
: ...................
FROM 106.37.187.*